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How to control woody species
An important part of successful woodland or prairie restoration is control of woody succession specific to your geographic area. Woody species can get out of control quickly even after they have been cut. In our experience, selective herbicide is the best way to keep them in check. Be sure to follow all safety recommendations and applicable laws or regulations when using.This is the product we use. It is a 61% tryclopyr product.
It is available online.
The Mixture
The mix consists of three (3) ounces of triclopyr in one (1) gallon of water. We add a drop or two of Dawn dish soap and shake it up well. Triclopyr is not water soluble so the soap will help keep it emulsified. We also add a few drops of blue liquid food coloring. The final blue liquid is easier to see coming out of the sprayer and helps with more targeted application. Be cautious when spraying as this mixture can kill good plants as well.
We use a one (1) or two (2) gallon garden sprayer with a cone nozzle set to a stream rather than a spray. You don’t need a lot of pressure since you don’t need much mixture on the plant. You're just trying to wet it visibly.
What it will control
We use this mixture on a variety of things:
Unwanted trees or saplings (In our area / The Oak Openings Region these would be: autumn olive, maple,mulberry, calery pear, buckthorn, etc.).
- Cut the tree or sapling and immediately spray the mixture on the cut. You only need enough to cover the cut and let it run down the sides a bit. This will work for larger saplings and trees as well. It kills the stump and prevents it from growing back.
- To control very small saplings spray a little mixture on the stem and let it run to the base of the sapling. You don’t need much and you don’t want to let too much get on the ground if possible.
Wild Blackberry
- Wild blackberry spreads underground. Cutting or pulling it only seems to make it spread more. Applying this herbicide has been
the most effective way we have found to control it. - Just spray a little on to the base of the blackberry stem and let it run down. You should see results within a week
or two.
Other Plants
- This method is effective on other undesireable plants such as Canada thistle.
Things to know about Tryclopyr:
- Avoid applying when it is wet outside, the ground is wet or saturated, or if heavy rain is expected. It can spread and
kill other desireable things nearby. - You can effectively apply triclopyr year-round on woody species.
- Avoid contact with your body.
- Cut the tree or sapling and immediately spray the mixture on the cut. You only need enough to cover the cut and let it run down the sides a bit. This will work for larger saplings and trees as well. It kills the stump and prevents it from growing back.
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